US Flatlands 4X v4.2.0.0
Here is a fairly simple American style flatland map (4X).
- Added new products
- Added Grain Selling point (for Rye, Millet and Hops)
- Added Brewery with a number of lagers
Suggest you clear Shader Cache after installing, as can crash your game if not (well did for me).
Since the lime info layer was incorrect, you will need a new save game for it to take effect, or you can start a new game, save it, take the newly generated lime infolayer grle and copy it over the top of the one in your current saved game (which also worked for me).
no rye millet or hops on new map. started new savegame aswell.
This map by far has been my favorite one. Unfortunately no Hops available now so brewery is useless. Can’t even plant it. Glade I didn’t over ride the old version. I love the added beers to the menu, just can’t produce without hops.
You need to buy them at the grain sales location for now..
Love the map but once you leave the game FS Crashes when restarting this map.
Never seen this before but I can’t use any unrealistic wagon mods on this map.
Is that a glitch or intentional? I’m really looking forward to playing this map but there are a few must have mods I want to use.